ACL – Articles dans des revues internationales ou nationales avec comité de lecture répertoriés par l’HCERES ou dans les bases de données internationales (ISI Web of Knowledge, Pub Med, Scopus…)

  1. GROSPRETRE, S., RUFFINO, C., DERGUY, C., GUEUGNEAU, N. (2024). What do we know so far ? A review. Sports Med – Open 10,107.
  2. GODA, I., PADAYODI, E., RAOELISON, R.N (2024). Enhancing fiber/matrix interface adhesion in polymer composites: mechanical characterization methods and progress in interface modification. Journal of Composite Materials, (IF=1.38)
  3. LEE-REMOND, S., SAGOT, S., OSTROSI, E. (2024). A New Design Framework for Comprehensible Graphical User Interfaces for Parametric Computer-Aided Design Tools. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 22(2), 150-179, doi: (IF=1.38) 
  4. ZHANG, Z., Zhang, H., CHENG, H., OSTROSI, E., ZHOU, L., DIAO, L., ZHANG, Z. (2024). Prediction and compensation of stretch-bending springback for L-section profile. Digital Engineering (2024), doi:
  5. MÉHAT, Y., SAGOT, S., OSTROSI, E., DEUFF, D.(2024). A Multi-Process System for Investigating Inclusive Design in User Interfaces for Low-Income Countries. Algorithms. 17(6):232 (IF=2.3)
  6. BENMOUNA A., BORDERIOU L., BECHERIF M. (2024). Charging Stations for Large-Scale Deployment of Electric Vehicles. Batteries. 10(1):33. (IF=4)
  1. EMOND, W., ZARE,M. (2023). Addressing Motion Sickness in Highly Automated Vehicles: A Review on Parameterizing Driving style for Passenger Comfort. Under review by IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
  2. ZARE, M., MIGNOT, B., SAGOT, J.C.,ALENABI, T.,WHITTAKER, R. (2023). Biomechanical Analysis of High-Accuracy Tasks in Women– International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics – Under review for the second round by international journal of industrial ergonomics
  3. BALLOUK, H., BELAID, S. & BEN JABEUR, S. (2023). Plateformes digitales et innovation : analyse bibliométrique et pistes de recherche futures. Innovations,
  4. RIASCOS, R., SAGOT, J.C., OSTROSI, E., STJEPANDIC, J. (2023). “Agility in Engineering Change Management: Navigating Complexities of Emergent Changes in PLM”. Journal of industrial integration and management.
  5. LEE-REMOND, S., RASANDRATANA, D., KIRILOV, I. (2023). Using Legal Visualization to Teach Law to Business and Technology Students. Archives of Design Research, 36(4), 7-27.
  6. EMOND, W., BOHRMANN, D., & ZARE, M. (2023). Will visual cues help alleviating motion sickness in automated cars? A review article. Ergonomics, 1–34.  (IF = 2,4)
  7. FLEURY, S; BERNARD, F., PAQUIN, R., BLANCHARD, P., RICHIR, S. (2023). Augmented and virtual reality simulation in industry. Computer, 56(12), 55-64.  (IF = 2.2)
  8. GUEUGNEAU, N., MARTIN, A., GAVEAU, J., & PAPAXANTHIS, C. (2023). Gravity-efficient motor control is associated with contraction-dependent intracortical inhibition. iScience
  9. GODA, I., PADAYODI, E., RAOELISON, R.N. (2023). Computational modeling and analysis of the interfacial debonding in copper/copper and copper/polyether-ether-ketone coatings deposited by cold spraying. Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 467: 129699. Doi:  (IF=5,4)
  10. ZHANG, T., PADAYODI, E., SAGOT, J-C., RAOELISON, R.N. (2023). Metallization of carbon-fibre reinforced composites via a metal-epoxy biphasic sublayer and low-pressure cold spraying. Powder Technology, Vol. 426: 118575. Doi: (IF=5,2)
  11. BERNARD, F. & LOUP-ESCANDE, É. (2023). Préparation des analyses ergonomiques en bureau d’études aéronautique : résilience et adaptation en temps de crise. Le travail humain, 86, 69-93.–2023-1-page-69.htm
  12. SAGOT, S., & ARFA, N. B. (2023). Enhancing Efficiency of Crowdfunding Campaign Financing: The Role of Search Engine Optimization and Social Media. International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences (IJSDS), 14(1), pp. 1-24. Doi:
  13. BERNARD, F., ZARE, M., PAQUIN, R., & SAGOT, J. C. (2023). A new approach for human factors integration into design for maintenance: a case study in the aviation industry. International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics, 10(2), 144-164. Doi : (IF=1,2)
  14. PAQUIN, R., BERNARD, F. (2023). Augmented reality to perform human factors analysis in maintainability. Int. J. Human Factors Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp.76–95. Doi: http://10.1504/IJHFMS.2023.10054452
  1. SAGOT, S., OSTROSI, E., LACOM, P., (2022). « Computer-assisted culturalization process integration into product-website design », Journal of Industrial Information Integration, Volume 26. (IF=15,7)
  2. BERNARD, F., BONNARDEL, X., PAQUIN, R., PETIT, M., MARANDEL, K., BORDIN, N., & BONNARDEL, F. (2022). « Digital simulation tools in aviation maintainability training. » Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 30(2), 384-395. (IF=2,10)
  1. OSTROSI, E., FOUGÈRES, A.-J., ZHANG, Z.-F., STJEPANDIĆ, J., (2021). « Intelligent modular design with holonic fuzzy agents ». Adv. Manuf. 9, 81–103. (IF=4,26)
  2. FOUGERES, A.-J., OSTROSI, E., (2021). « Fuzzy engineering design semantics elaboration and application ». Soft Comput. Lett. 100025.
  3. HUSARD, R., DUMAS, T., SCHLEGEL, M. L., SCHLEGEL, D., GUILLAUMONT, D., SOLARI, P. L., & MOISY, P. (2022). « X-ray absorption spectroscopy and actinide electrochemistry: a setup dedicated to radioactive samples applied to neptunium chemistry. » 29(1). (IF=2,61)
  4. GUEGNEAU N., MARTIN A., GAVEAU J., PAPXANTHIS C. (2021). « Contraction-dependent intracortical inhibition supports gravity-efficient motor control ». bioRxiv
  5. BERNARD, F., ZARE, M., MURIE, C., SAGOT, J.C. (2021). « Dimensions physiques et cognitives : vers une nécessaire prise en compte en maintenabilité aéronautique ».!
  6. BERNARD, F., BONNARDEL, X., PAQUIN, R., PETIT, M., MARANDEL, K., BORDIN, N., BONNARDEL, F. (2021). « Digital simulation tools in aviation maintainability training », Comput. Appl. Eng. Educ. 1-12 (IF=1.6).
  7. LOBBE, J., BAZZARO, F., SAGOT, J.C. (2021). « Innovation in collaborative design: an exploratory study in hackathon ».  International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, DOI: 10.1080/21650349.2021.1894989. (IF= 0.331).
  8. ZARE, M., NORVAL, M., BODIN, J., & ROQUELAURE, Y. (2021). « Differences between risk situations identified using a self-reported questionnaire and an observational method ». Work, (Preprint), 1-11.
  9. OSTROSI, E., FOUGÈRES, A.-J., ZHANG, Z.-F. and STJEPANDIĆ, J. (2021). “Intelligent modular design with holonic fuzzy agents”, Advances in Manufacturing, available at : (IF= 2.568).
  1. BEN ARFA, N., AMMARI, A., BOUSSAADA, R. (2020). « New evidence on value creation through hedge fund activism: a qualitative comparative analysis. » Strategic change. [CNRS cat.4/FNEGE rang 4/HCERES C / ABS 2].
  2. VACHER,S., BEN ARFA, N., AMMARI, A. (2020). « A recipe for technological innovation : does hedge fund activism matter ? A fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis. » Strategic change. [CNRS cat.4/FNEGE rang 4/HCERES C /ABS 2].
  3. PADAYODI, E., RAOELISON, R.N., MIGNOT, B., ROUXEL, T. (2020). « Valorization of plastic wastes for value-added applications ». Archives in Chemical Research, Vol. 4, n°4, ISSN 2572-4657 (IF=1,96).
  4. BERNARD, F., ZARE, M., MURIE, C., SAGOT, J.C. (2020). “Physical and cognitive dimensions: Towards a necessary consideration in aviation maintainability”. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l’Environnement, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 19 December 2020. (IF : 0.325).
  5. ZAIFANG, Z., XU, D., OSTROSI, E., CHENG, C. (2020). « Optimization of the Product–Service System Configuration Based on a Multilayer Network ». Sustainability 12 (2) : 746‑71. (Impact Factor: 2.592) .
  6. SAGOT, J.C., ZARE, M., LARIQUE, M. (2020). « Les nouvelles technologies au service de l’ergonomie de conception : facteurs de sécurité, de santé et d’efficacité ». Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l’Environnement, Vol 81, n°5, pp 428-430. (IF : 0.325).
  7. ZHANG, Z.F., LIU, W., OSTROSI, E., TIAN, Y. AND YI, J. (2020). “Steel strip surface inspection through the combination of feature selection and multiclass classifiers”. Engineering Computations, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print, available at : (IF= 1.322).
  8. ZARE, , BODIN, J., SAGOT, JC., ROQUELAURE, Y. (2020).  « Quantification of Exposure to Risk Postures in Truck Assembly Operators Neck, Back, Arms and Wrists ». Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, (IF : 2.849). (17).
  9. ZARE, , SAGOT, J.C., & ROQUELAURE, Y. (2020). « Quantification of physical ergonomic work load in in assembly truck operators: Neck, back, arms and wrist ». Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 6062. [Scimago Q1, IF=2.849].
  10. RAOELISON, R.N., GUECHI, M.R., PADAYODI, E. (2020). « In-flight temperature of solid micrometric powders during cold spray additive manufacturing ». International Journal of Thermal Sciences 157 106422, pp.15. (IF=3,476).
  11. NORVAL, M., ZARE, M., BRUNET, R., COUTAREL, F., ROQUELAURE, Y. (2020). »Contribution of situational operational leeway for ergonomic assessment in the evaluation of work situations ». Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science,  Vol. 21, 1-22.
  12. ZARE, M., BLACK, N., SAGOT, J.C., HUNAULT, G., ROQUELAURE, Y. (2020). « Ergonomics interventions to reduce musculoskeletal risk factors in a truck manufacturing plant ». International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, (IF: 1,429), Vol. 75.
  13. ZARE, M., NORVAL, M., BODIN, J., BRUNE, R., & ROQUELAURE, Y. (2020). « Are There Differences Between the Results of Ergonomic Risk Assessment Tools? » Self-Reported Questionnaire and Observational Method. Work.
  14. BERNARD, F., ZARE, M., SAGOT, J.C., PAQUIN, R., (2020). « Using Digital and physical simulation to focus on human factors and ergonomics in aviation maintainability ». Human factors. Vol. 62 , n°1, pp 37-54. DOI (IF: 2.7) .
  15. QUERCIA P, POZZO T, MARINO A, GUILLEMANT AL, CAPPE C, GUEUGNEAU N. (2020). “Children with Dyslexia Have Altered Cross-Modal Processing Linked to Binocular Fusion. A Pilot Study.” Clin Ophthalmol. 13;14:437-448. doi: http://10.2147/OPTH.S226690 . (IF: 2.08).
  16. BENGIO D, DUMAS T, ARPIGNY S, HUSAR R, MENDES E, SOLARI P-L, SCHLEGEL M, SCHLEGEL D, PELLET-ROSTAING S, MOISY P (2020). « Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Study of Eu(III) and Eu(II) coordination in the 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide Ionic Liquid, Chemistry ». A European Journal, (IF: 5.23)
  1. FOUGÈRES, A. J., OSTROSI, E. (2019). « Holonic Fuzzy Agents for Integrated CAD Product and Adaptive Manufacturing Cell Formation ». Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, (in press), Volume 23, Issue 1, pp. 77-102 (IF : 0,6).
  2. OSTROSI, E., BLUNTZER, J.-B., ZHANG, Z., STJEPANDIĆ, J., (2019). « Car style-holon recognition in computer-aided design ». J. Comput. Des. Eng., oct. 2018. (Impact Factor : IF: 1,520).
  3. NORVAL, M., ZARE, M., BRUNET, R., COUTAREL, F., & ROQUELAURE, Y. (2019). « La marge de manœuvre situationnelle une opportunité pour la recherche des situations critiques lors des phases initiales des démarches de prévention des TMS ». Activité, 16-2 | 2019. [Ergonomics Abstracts, PsycINFO]. (pas d’IF) ; DOI : http://10.4000/activites.4588.
  4. SAPA, M.C., SAGOT, J-C., TOUVENOT, G., XAVIER, F., HIDALGO DIAZ, J-J., FACCA, S., ZARE, M., LIVERNEAUX, P., (2019). « Hand Surg Rehabil ». 2019 Jun 26. pii: S2468-1229(19)30079-9. doi: http://10.1016/j.hansur.2019.06.003. [Epub ahead of print], PMID: (IF: 0.571).
  5. BAZZARO, F., CHARRIER, M., CHEVRIAU, S., ROUXEL, T., SAGOT, J-C., (2019). « Impact of architectural representation on users’ feelings: from a 2D plan to a virtual model and real prototype ». Journal of Architectural Planning Research. Volume 35, n°3, pp 224-257. (IF : 0.1).
  6. MOUSSAVI, S.E., ZARE, M., MAHDJOUB, M., GRUNDER, O., (2019). « Balancing high operator’s workload through a new job rotation approach: Application to an automotive assembly line ». International journal of industrial ergonomics. Vol 71, 136-144. doi..http://org/10.1016/j.ergon.2019.03.003 [IF: 1,429; SJR 2017 Q1 Human factors and Ergonomics].
  7. MOUSSAVI, S.E., MAHDJOUB, M., GRUNDER, O., (2019). « A matheuristic approach to the integration of worker assignment and vehicle routing problems: Application to home healthcare scheduling ». Expert Systems with Applications Vol 125, 317–332. [IF: 3,768; SJR 2017 Q1 Engineering].
  8. ZHANG, Z., CHAI, N., OSTROSI, E., SHANG Y., (2019). « Extraction of association rules in the schematic design of product service system based on Pareto-MODGDFA ». Computers & Industrial Engineering Vol 129, 392-403. (Impact Factor : IF: 3,195).
  9. BERNARD, F., ZARE, M., SAGOT, J.C., PAQUIN, R., (2019). « Integration of human factors into the design process of helicopter maintainability ». Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries. 1-11. DOI: http://10.1002/hfm.20792. (Impact Factor : IF: 0,917).
  10. RAOELISON,N.R., LI, J., SAPANATHAN, T., PADAYODI, E., BUIRON, N., RACINE, D., ZHANG, Z., MARCEAU, D., & RACHIK, M. (2019). « A new nature of microporous architecture with hierarchical porosity and membrane template via high strain rate collision. Materialia 000 100205. DOI.
  1. AKIL, H.T., ROBERT-DEMONTROND, P., BOUILLE, J. (2018). “Exploitation of mortality salience in communication on climate change”. Recherches et applications en Marketing, 33 (1), 2-29.
  2. AGHAHADI, M., PADAYODI E., ABBOUDI, S., BAHRANI, S.A. (2018). « Physical modeling of heat and moisture transfer in wet bio-sourced insulating materials ». Review of Scientific Instruments, 89, 104902; doi: 10.1063/1.5047049. (Impact Factor : IF: 1,488).
  3. OSTROSI, E., FOUGÈRES, A.-J., (2018). « Intelligent virtual manufacturing cell formation in cloud-based design and manufacturing ». Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell., vol. 76, p. 80‑95, nov. 2018. (Impact Factor : IF: 2,819).
  4. HE B., XUE H., LIU L., PAN Q., TANG W., OSTROSI E., (2018). « Rigid-flexible coupling virtual prototyping-based approach to the failure mode, effects, and criticality analysis ». Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., oct. 2018. (Impact Factor : IF: 2,601).
  5. CHAMORET, D., LEBAAL, N., ROMAN, A., SCHLEGEL, D., LANGLADE, C., (2018). « Thermal aspects in friction stir process of AISI 316 L: numerical and experimental investigation ». Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. DOI: http://10.1080/15376494.2018.1472349 (Impact factor IF : 2,645).
  6. MOUSSAVI, S.E., MAHDJOUB, M., GRUNDER, O. (2018). « A Multi-Objective Programming Approach to Develop an Ergonomic Job Rotation in a Manufacturing System ». “IFAC-PapersOnLine – Elsevier”, 16th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM 2018 51, 850–855. DOI: (SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0,260) (Impact Factor : IF:0,680).
  7. MOUSSAVI, S.E., MAHDJOUB, M., GRUNDER, O. (2018). « A hybrid heuristic algorithm for the sequencing generalized assignment problem in an assembly line ». “IFAC-PapersOnLine – Elsevier”, 9th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling 51, 695–700., (SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0,260) (Impact Factor : IF: 0,680)
  8. NORVAL, M., ZARE, M., BRUNET, R., COUTAREL, F., & ROQUELAURE, Y. (2018). « Operational leeway in work situations: do ergonomic risk assessment tools consider operational leeway for job analysis? ». International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE), (Impact Factor : IF: 0,648)
  9. ROGER, M., VIGNAIS, N., RANGER, F., & SAGOT, J.C. (2018). « Physical ergonomic testing for the design of an innovative mail delivery vehicle: a physical mock-up case-study ». OA Journals-18-1650R1. Roger et al., J Ergonomics 2018, 8:2. DOI: http://10.4172/2165-7556.1000228 (Impact Factor : IF:1,260).
  10. SAGOT, S., FOUGÈRES, A. J., OSTROSI, E. (2018). « Collaborative engineering decision-making for building information channels and improving Web visibility of product manufacturers ». Advanced Engineering Informatics, Vol. 38, pp. 264-276. DOI: (Impact Factor: IF: 7.862).
  11. SANEI-SISTANI, S., MIRI-ALIABAD, G., DAHMARDEH, H., MONTAZERAN, M., JAHANTIGH, M., ZARE, M. (2018). « Intracranial Metastases of Intramedullary Spinal Cord Low-Grade Astrocytoma ». Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology. (Impact Factor : IF: 0,580).
  12. ZARE, M., SAGOT, J.C, & ROQUELAURE, Y. (2018). « Within and between Individual Variability of Exposure to Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorder Risk Factors ». International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (Impact Factor : IF: 2,145).
  13. FOUGÈRES, -J., & OSTROSI, E. (2018). “Intelligent agents for feature modelling in computer aided design ». Journal of Computational design and Engineering, vol. 5, no 1, p. 19‑40, janv. 2018. (Impact Factor : IF: 1.520).
  1. AKIL, H.T., BOUILLÉ, J., ROBERT-DEMONTROND, P. (2017), “Visual representations of climate change and individual decarbonisation project: An exploratory study”. Revue de l’Organisation Responsable, 12(1), 66-80.
  2. FLÈCHE, D., BLUNTZER, J.B., Al KHATIB, A., MAHDJOUB, M, & SAGOT, J.C. (2017). « Collaborative project: Evolution of computer-aided design data completeness as management information ». Concurrent Engineering 25, 212–228. (Journal Citation Reports (JCR) IF: 1,456; SJR 2017 Q1 Engineering; SJR 2017: 0,64 ).
  3. ISSA, , OSTROSI, E., LENCZNER, M., & HABIB, R. (2017). « Fuzzy holons forintelligent multi-scale design in cloud-based design for configurations ». Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 28(5), 1219–1247. (Impact Factor : IF: 3.667).
  4. JAEGERT, D., LE GUEN, B., & SAGOT, J.C. (2017). « Astec et la durée limite d’exposition à la chaleur ». Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l’Environnement. Volume 78, Issue 4, Sept. 2017, p.366 . . (Impact Factor : IF: 0,145).
  5. LACOM, P., BAZZARO, F., & SAGOT, J.C. (2017). « Proposal of a Modelling of the Innovation Process in an International Manufacturing Company ». Journal of Technology Management and Innovation 12(2):26-33· July 2017 (Impact Factor : IF: 0,270).
  6. LEBAAL N., CHAMORET D., ROMAN A., SCHLEGEL D. (2017). « Thermal Modelling of friction stir process (FSP) and identification parameters ». Materials Physics and Mechanics, 32, 14-20 (pas d’IF).
  7. LONGHUI, M., ATLI, M., MAEN AND HE, NING (20147). « Accurate measurement of the surface residual stresses generated by milling in pre-equilibrium state, Journal ». Journal of Materials Research-2016. 2, pp. 103-108. (Impact Factor : IF: 1.495).
  8. LONGHUI, M., ATLI, M., MAEN AND HE, NING (2017). « Measurement of Equivalent Residual Stresses Generated by Milling and Corresponding Deformation Prediction ». Journal : Precision Engineering, 2017. (Impact Factor : IF: 2,582).
  9. MOUSSAVI, S.E., MAHDJOUB, M., & GRUNDER, O. (2017). « Productivity improvement through a sequencing generalized assignment in an assembly line system ». International Journal of Production Research 55, 7509–7523. DOI: http://10.1080/00207543.2017.1378828 (IF: 2,623; SJR 2017 Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering; SJR 2017: 1,43 ).
  10. NORVAL, M., ZARE, M., BRUNET, R., COUTAREL, F., & ROQUELAURE Y. (2017). « Operational leeway in the work situations: Do ergonomic risk assessment tools consider operational leeway for job analysis ? » International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE), (Impact Factor : IF: 0,648)
  11. VIGNAIS, N., BERNARD, F., TOUVENOT, G., &  SAGOT J.C. (2017). “Physical risk factors identification based on body sensor network combined to videotaping”. Applied Ergonomics, May, 2017. (Impact Factor : IF: 2.435).
  12. ZARE, M., BIAU, S., BRUNE, R., & ROQUELAURE, Y. (2017). « Comparison of three methods for evaluation of ergonomic risk factors in a truck assembly plant: observational method, self-reported questionnaire and direct measurement method. Ergonomics ». (Impact Factor : IF: 2,019)
  13. ZHANG, Z., XU, D., OSTROSI, E., Yu, L., & Fan, B. (2017). « A systematic decisionmaking method for evaluating design alternatives of product service system based on variable precision rough set ». Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 1-15, (Impact Factor : IF: 3,667).
  1. BLUNTZER J.B., OSTROSI E., SAGOT J.C. (2016). « Design for Materials: A New Integrated Approach in Computer Aided Design ». Procedia CIRP, 50, 305-310. (SJR : 0,668).
  2. ZARE M., MALINGE A., HÖGLUND R., BIAU S., & ROQUELAURE Y. (2016a). « Evaluation of physical ergonomic exposure in a truck manufacturing plant: a case study in SCANIA production Angers ». Industrial Health, 54. (Impact Factor : IF: 1,115) doi:org/10.2486/indhealth.2015-0055.
  3. SAPNATHAN T., RAOELISON R.N., PADAYODI E., BUIRON N., RACHIK (2016). « Depiction of interfacial characteristic changes during impact welding using computational methods: Comparison between Arbitrary Lagrangian – Eulerian and Eulerian simulations ». Materials and Design, 102, 303–312, doi:http://10.1016/j.matdes.2016.04.025.
  4. RAOELISON R.N., SAPANATHAN T., PADAYODI E., BUIRON N., RACHIK M. (2016). « Interfacial kinematics and governing mechanisms under the influence of high strain rate impact conditions: Numerical computations of experimental observations ». Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 96, 147–161 (IF: 3,875).
  5. MOUSSAVI S.E., MAHDJOUB M., GRUNDER (2016). « Reducing production cycle time by ergonomic workforce scheduling ». IFAC-PapersOnLine, 8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM 2016 49, 419–424. (SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 2017: 0,260).
  6. ZARE M., CROQ M., BRUNE R., ARABI F., & ROQUELAURE Y. (2016b). « Does ergonomic improves product quality and reduce costs ? ». A review article. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 26(2) 225-223. (Impact Factor : IF: 0,917) doi:http://10.1002/hfm.20623.


  1. ZARE M., BODIN J., BRUNET R., & ROQUELAURE Y. (2015a). « Evaluation of ergonomic approach and musculoskeletal disorders in two different organizations in a truck assembly plant ». International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 50, 34-42. (Impact Factor : IF: 1,425) doi:10.1016/j.ergon.2015.09.009.
  2. ZARE M., BIAU S., BRUNE R., GOURLAY A., & ROQUELAURE Y. (2015b). « A comparison of neck bending and flexion measurement methods for assessment of ergonomic risk ». International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics (JOSE), 21(3), 330-335. (Impact Factor : IF: 0,648)  doi:10.1080/10803548.2015.1081772.
  3. VIGNAIS N., KULPA R., BRAULT S., PRESSE D., BIDEAU B., (2015). « Which technology to investigate visual perception in sport: video vs. virtual reality ». Human Movement Science, vol. 39, 12-26.
  4. BLUNTZER J.B., OSTROSI E., SAGOT J.C. (2015). « Styling of cars: is there a relationship between the style of cars and the culture identity of a specific country ? ». Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 229(1), 38-51.
  5. CHOULIER D., FOUGÈRES A-J., OSTROSI E. (2015). « Developing multiagent systems for design activity analysis ». Computer-Aided Design, 59, 201-213.
  6. FOUGÈRES A-J., OSTROSI E. (2015). « Agent-Based Intelligent CAD Modelling, Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara ». International Journal of Engineering, vol. 13, no 4, 17-24, 2015.
  1. AVRAMESCU AM., BAZZARO F., MAHDJOUB M., SAGOT J.C., SIMION I. (2014a). « Élaboration d’une approche d’analyse sensorielle tactile des matériaux bio-sources ». P.B. Sci. Bull., Series B, Vol. 76, Iss. 1, 2014 ISSN 1454 – 2331, 235-246. (SJR 2017 Q3 Material Science; IF 2017: 0,18).
  2. AVRAMESCU A.M., IONITA S., HARAGA G., IONITA E., RADU I.V. (2014b). « Intégration des préférences sensorielles des consommateurs dans la caractérisation de matériau bio-sourcé comparé avec le matériau synthétique ». P.B. Sci. Bull., Series B, Vol. 76, Iss. 4, 2014 ISSN 1454 – 2331, 203-214. (SJR 2017 Q3 Material Science; IF 2017: 0,18).
  3. SAGOT J.C., JAEGERT D., TOUVENOT G., LE GUEN B., (2014). « Méthode d’évaluation du métabolisme de travail à la chaleur ». Archives des maladies professionnelles et de l’environnement, 06/2014, 75(3), 316-317.
  4. SAMIMI K., SHARAFI H., PADAYODI E., BAHRANI SA., (2014). « Study of micro particles deposition in ribbed channel: A numerical investigation in turbulent airflow ». Mechanics & Industry, 15 (01), 75-80.
  5. BAHRANI SA., NOUAR C., (2014). « Intermittency in the Transition to Turbulence for a Shear-Thinning Fluid in Hagen-Poiseuille Flow ». Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 7 (1), 1-6.
  6. BLUNTZER J.B., OSTROSI E., SAGOT J.C. (2014). « Car styling: a CAD approach to extract, identify and to characterize characteristic lines ». Procedia CIRP, Vol 21, 258-263. 14th-16th april, Milan (Italia), 6p.
  7. BEROULE B., FOUGÈRES A-J., OSTROSI E. (2014), « Agent-Based Product Configuration: towards Generalized Consensus Seeking”. International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 11(6): 1-8.
  8. FLÈCHE D., BLUNTZER J.B., MAHDJOUB M., SAGOT J.C. (2014). « First step towards a quantitative approach to evaluate collaborative tools ». Procedia CIRP, Vol 21, 288-293.
  9. HOSEINABADI S., PORABDEYAN S., ZARE M., AMIRI S., GHASEMI M., MANSORI A. (2014). « Does traffic stress affect distance estimation and recognition accuracy in urban bus drivers ? ». Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health, 70(4), 214-217. (Impact Factor : IF: 1,386) doi:10.1080/19338244.2013.859121.
  1. FOUGÈRES A-J., OSTROSI E. (2013). « Fuzzy Agent-based Approach for Consensual Design Synthesis in Product Integrated Configuration, Integrated Computer ». Aided Engineering, 20(3), 259-274.
  2. ISSA H., OSTROSI E., LENCZNER M., HABIB R. (2013). « Influence of Functional Knowledge Structuring for Modular Design ». Advanced Materials Research, 651, 595-600, 2013.
  3. HABIBI E., ZARE M., HAGHI A., HABIBI P., HASSANZADEH A. (2013). « Assessment of physical risk factors among artisans using occupational repetitive actions and Nordic questionnaire ». International Journal of Environmental Health Engineering, 2(8), 14-20.  doi:10.4103/2277-9183.110158.
  4. GHASEMI, M., NASLESERAJI, J., HOSEINABADI, S., & ZARE, M. (2013). « Application of SHERPA to identify and prevent human errors in control units of petrochemical industry ». International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 19(2), 203-209. (Impact Factor : IF: 0,648).
  5. GRONIER G., SAGOT J.C. (2013). « Comparaison des communications verbales en conception collaborative : impact sur le processus de conception de produits ». Interfaces Numériques, Vol.2 – n°3/2013, 569-589.
  6. HABIBI E., ZARE M., HAGHI A., HABIBI P., HASSANZADEH A. (2013). « Assessment of physical risk factors among artisans using occupational repetitive actions and Nordic questionnaire ». International Journal of Environmental Health Engineering, 2(8), 14-20.  doi:10.4103/2277-9183.110158.
  7. ROGER M., KNUTSEN D., BONNARDEL N., LE BIGOT L. (2013). « Landmark Frames of Reference in Interactive Route Description Tasks ». Applied Cognitive Psychology. doi : 10.1002/acp.292.
  8. TAGHIZADEH-MEHRJARDI, R., ZARE, M., & ZARE, S. (2013). « Mapping of noise pollution by different interpolation methods in recovery section of Ghandi telecommunication Cables Company ». Journal of Occupational Health and Epidemiology 2 (1), 1-11. (Impact Factor : IF: 1,386).


  1. OSTROSI E., FOUGÈRES A-J., FERNEY M. (2012). « Fuzzy agents for product configuration in collaborative and distributed design process ». Applied Soft Computing, 12(8), 2091–2105.
  2. OSTROSI E., FOUGÈRES A-J., FERNEY M., KLEIN D. (2012). « A fuzzy configuration multi-agent approach for product family modelling in conceptual design ». Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 23(6) (2012), 2565–2586. (Impact Factor : IF: 3,667).
  3. OSTROSI E., TIÉ BI S., HAXHIAJ L., KLEIN D. (2012). « A grammar approach for combining product configuration modelling with behavioural aspects and simulations ». The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 60, N° 1-4, pp. 29-54.
  4. OSTROSI E., HAXHIAJ L., FUKUDA S. (2012). « Fuzzy modelling of consensus during design conflict resolution ». Research in Engineering Design, Vol. 23, N° 1, pp. 53-70.
  5. BAZZARO F., NOURREDINE E., SZWARC Z., SAGOT J.C. (2012). « Évaluer et comprendre les troubles Musculosquelettiques pour améliorer les conditions de conduite d’un tramway ». Archives des maladies professionnelles et de l’environnement, 06/2012, 73(3) :523. (IF : 0,19).
  6. BAZZARO F., SAGOT J.C., (2012). « Proposition d’un outil d’aide au diagnostic du syndrome du canal carpien pour les acteurs de la santé au travail ». PISTES 14(1),, 10p. (Pas d’impact factor – référencement HCERES).
  7. ATCHOLI K.E., PADAYODI E., SAGOT J.C., BEDA T., SAMAH O., VANTOMME J., (2012). « Thermo-mechanical behaviour of the structures of tropical clays from Togo (West Africa) fired at 500°C, 850°C and 1060 °C ». Journal Construction and Building Materials 27 (2012) 141–148.
  8. EHRAMPOUSH M.H., HALVANI H., BARKHORDARI,A.,  ZARE M. (2012). « Noise pollution in urban environments: A study in Yazd city, Iran ». Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 21(4), 1095-100.
  9. HABIBI E., ZARE M., AMINI N. R., POURABDIAN S., & RISMANCHIAN M. (2012). « Macroergonomic conditions and job satisfaction among employees of an industry ». International Journal of Environmental Health Engineering, 1(1), 34.
  10. HABIBI E., ZARE M., BARKHORDARI A., YOUSEFI H. A., & MOROWATISHARIFABAD M. A. (2011). « The comparison of ETBA and HAZOPS techniques ». Process Safety Progress, 30(4), 356-359.
  11. LEBAAL N., SCHLEGEL D., FOLEA M. (2012). « Optimisation of cutting conditions in machining of cobalt-based refractory material ». International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 44(1/2), 127 – 143. DOI: http://10.1504/IJMPT.2012.048187 (pas d’IF).
  12. SCHLEGEL D., LEBAAL N., FOLEA M. (2012). « Cost optimization for the cutting a cobalt chrome refractory material ». The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 60 (1), 55–63 DOI http://10.1007/s00170-011-3583-0(Impact Factor IF : 2,6).


  1. OSTROSI E., FOUGÈRES A-J. (2011). « Optimization of product configuration assisted by fuzzy agents ». International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, Vol. 5, N° 1, pp. 29-44.
  2. KARCHANI , KAKOIE  M., YAZDI Z., ZARE M. (2011). « Do bright light shock exposure during breaks affect on sleepiness in night workers ? ». Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 9(2), 95-102.  doi: http://10.1111/j.1479-8425.2011.00490.x.
  3. KADJA K., B ANNA M., ATCHOLI K.E., SANDA K. (2011). « Utilization of Bone Adhesive to Produce Particleboards from Stems of Cotton Plant at the Pressing Temperature of 140°C ». American Journal of Applied Sciences 8 (4), 318-32.
  4. BEDA T., CHEVALIER Y., ATCHOLI K.E., PADAYODI E., SAGOT J.C. (2011). « Finite Deformation and Viscoelasticity Modeling and Test ». Journal Scientific Research, Engineering 3, 810-814.
  5. TOUSSAINT L., LEBAAL N., SCHLEGEL D., GOMES S. (2011). « Automatic Optimization of Air Conduct Design Using Experimental Data and Numerical Results ». International Journal of Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, 4, 77-83 ; DOI : 1051/ijsmdo/2010011 (pas d’IF).
  1. MAHDJOUB M., MONTICOLO D., GOMES S., SAGOT J.C. (2010). « A collaborative Design for Usability approach supported by Virtual Reality and a Multi-Agent System embedded in a PLM environment ». Computer-Aided Design, Volume 42, Issue 5, May 2010, 402-413, doi: 10.1016/j.cad.2009.02.009.
  2. POURABEDIAN, S., BARKHORDARI, A., HABIBI, E., RISMANCHIYAN, M., & ZARE, M. (2010). « Evaluation of 1,6 Hexamethylene Disocyanate (HDI) Exposure on Peak Flowmetry Test in Automobile Paint Workshop Workers of Iran ». Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, 61(2), 32-38. doi: 10.2478/10004-1254-61-2010-1994.